Prof. Venkat Viswanathan Of CMU Joins Aionics As Chief Scientist

Prof. Venkat Viswanathan of CMU Joins Aionics as Chief Scientist
Aionics, Inc. is happy to announce the appointment of Venkat Viswanathan to the role of Chief Scientist.
Viswanathan is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, where he leads an interdisciplinary group comprising of ~30 researchers working on technologies that can accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation and aviation. A globally renowned innovator in computational and data-driven materials R&D, Viswanathan is the recipient of numerous awards including the Office of Naval Resarch (ONR) Young Investigator Award, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry, National Science Foundation CAREER award and MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35. He has broad expertise in materials related to Li-ion batteries, next-generation technologies such as solid-state batteries, Li-air batteries. He is also an expert on the topic of synergies between autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles, and he has served as a technical consultant for several startups.
Viswanathan says he identifies with Aionics’ approach to deploying machine learning-based approaches to industrial R&D. “Given Aionics’ relentless focus on doing high-quality science, while also building intuitive data and modeling tools, I believe Aionics has the potential to make an extremely significant impact in the industry – and I’m excited to work with the team to maximize that impact,” says Viswanathan.
For his part, Aionics CEO and Founder Dr. Austin Sendek says he has admired Viswanathan’s work for many years and is excited to have the opportunity to work closely together. “Prof. Viswanathan has emerged as a major thought leader in our field, both in academic and corporate R&D, and I can think of no one better to join us as Chief Scientist,” Sendek said.
More details about Prof. Viswanathan’s research at CMU can be found at:
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